The lineup is terrifyingly long.Admission costs the omission of logic.Get served sticky sweet candy of internet facts.High-velocity rides run on selective data.No safety harnesses are provided.None.
Author: LoveRate
Here is a handy pocket guide to some of the COVID vaccine ingredients. It’s a little know fact (because it’s not a fact) that all the vaccines contain only four key ingredients. They are itemized and listed here for easy reference. No need to consult further sources or….actual science. You’re welcome. (And please get vaccinated)
Masks & Tasks
For the most part I am tasked with going to the grocery store for our family. Partly because I have now gone so many times I know where everything is and I can move through that place with speed and precision. Like a trained eel sliding around, following the floor arrows, a chameleon amongst the … Continue reading Masks & Tasks
You know what the best part of this pandemic is?Nothing. Absolutely nothing. But here we all are. I didn’t spend the last 43 years excitedly waiting to get vaccinated for a disease I didn’t know existed until a year ago. But because medical science has saved my life more than once already, I will trust it … Continue reading Vaccinated
Snow in April
The satisfaction of the first days of spring when you can open all the windows and feel for the first time in months the tickle and smell of outside air sneaking in, caressing everything with a reassurance that says “you can wake up now, the worst is over.” A new reserve of hope and possibility … Continue reading Snow in April
Fuck 2020
2020 managed to sneak maximum drama in during the final few hours. Our 18month old lost his balance on the last step and went full force headfirst into the edge of the door frame. A 2020 sized goose egg appeared almost immediately - as if paying homage to the symmetrically balanced 2’s and 0’s of … Continue reading Fuck 2020
Houseplant hyperbole
I don’t want to sound hyperbolic…. but houseplants make life immensely better in almost every way, fixing every evil to lurk. Ok, that’s not true, but it feels close when you are staring at a new leaf gently unfurling. I’ve been using the best app (Planta) to help me keep them properly nourished and alive. … Continue reading Houseplant hyperbole
Things that are blissful
2020 COVID-19 – August 23 My problem with writing is consistency, actually that’s been my problem with most things in 2020, because honestly who can keep up? I have felt like the world is underwater and we are all being given varying lengths of straws to breathe through. The lengths, depths and sizes seem to … Continue reading Things that are blissful
2020 COVID-19 – July 27 It has somehow been two months since I last posted on this blog. 😶 It's not for a lack of will or drive. I am simply quite excellent at quitting and got caught in the tornados of daily life. Perfection is the enemy of good. When I was eleven years … Continue reading Quaranteam
Gardens and gratitude
2020 COVID-19 – June 1 It’s been a hectic last few weeks and I’ve given myself the mental space and reprieve to write words into TO DO lists instead of blog posts. Sorry, internet. The function and journey of moving SUCKS. It’s exhausting, disruptive, flips life like a pancake and is just so tedious. I … Continue reading Gardens and gratitude
Moving Day 2020
Chapter 15 2020 COVID-19 – May 13 Today is moving day. I type this at 4am when I should be sleeping. But stress hates rest, so my mind instead explores the deep crevices of everything that needs to be done and the simultaneous analysis of everything that can go wrong. Including but not limited to … Continue reading Moving Day 2020
This pandemic needs a montage
Chapter 14 2020 COVID-19 – May 5. Right now life feels like the part of the movie that should be a musical montage. Struggle, disappointment, repetition, failure, laughter, repetition and tears. All showing the passage of time with slow signs of incremental progress. I usually love the montage section because it zips through all the … Continue reading This pandemic needs a montage
Things acceptable during quarantine but not at other times…
Painting and other misery
Chapter 13 2020 COVID-19 – April 27 This past week of the pandemic has been exhausting. As in encompassing every aspect of absolutely everything. Sometimes I feel tired both physically and tired from a place deep, deep inside that is almost unattainable and thick with dark clouds. Like the skin on my eyelids has become … Continue reading Painting and other misery
42 times
Chapter 12 2020 COVID-19 – April 19 My birthday was last week. 42 trips around the sun and a million reasons to be hopeful and thankful. This last week was a blur. We didn’t make a cake because after eating an entire one last week for our daughter’s birthday it seemed best not to allow … Continue reading 42 times
Keep floating
Chapter 12 2020 COVID-19 – April 15 We have adopted a strict do one thing a day policy** that we used previously in the first few weeks of having a newborn. Bringing a brand new baby home can feel like a crisis (a joy crisis but still a crisis) So undoubtedly a global pandemic is … Continue reading Keep floating
New Routines
Chapter 11 2020 COVID-19 – April 12 Step 1: wake up, make sure we are all still alive. Step 2: Check to see that pandemic is still happening and it wasn’t just a bad dream Step 3: double check Step 2 (exhale expletives in whispered voice. E.g. Shhhhhhiit or Fuuuuuuuccccck) Step 4: Wash hands (while … Continue reading New Routines
Cake for lunch
Chapter 10 2020 COVID-19 – April 9 Yesterday was our daughter’s birthday. And like anyone else born in March or April (and probably May and June if we are being honest) we will need a birthday postponement and redo. We are lucky because four year olds can be convinced that a lot of things are … Continue reading Cake for lunch
C is for change
Chapter 9 2020 COVID-19 – April 6 At almost any point of the day, you are likely surrounded by things that can kill you. A cabinet full of cleaning supplies, bottles of liquor, sharp knives, dull knives, office supplies, busses, trains, cars, airbags, bags of air, heights, lows, uneven surfaces, escalators, glass, mosquitoes, sharp metal, … Continue reading C is for change
Chapter 8 2020 COVID-19 – April 2 It’s been surreal, disorienting and exhausting to watch all of this progress. What was normal a few weeks ago is gone, slow and sticky like tar, somehow the unthinkable things are becoming commonplace. Daily routines are slipping back into place in the confines we are given.Surely in a … Continue reading TIME.