Things that are blissful

2020 COVID-19 – August 23 My problem with writing is consistency, actually that’s been my problem with most things in 2020, because honestly who can keep up? I have felt like the world is underwater and we are all being given varying lengths of straws to breathe through. The lengths, depths and sizes seem to vary by the day. It’s exhausting and uncertain and all just feels that much more broken. Which is sort of funny as I was one of the people convinced that 2016 was “the worst year ever”. Nope.

My straw has been on the shorter side recently making me get stuck feeling like I need to have a specific topic to write about. When in truth, sometimes words just need to be slung. Like old candy out the window of a moving car. (Don’t litter…but also don’t eat melted sugar based products with dubious expiry dates)

Today my quaranteam illustration is of Maya Angelou. Her words and the velvet smooth roll of her voice makes her a top candidate of someone I would have been deeply honoured to listen to and learn from for hours upon blissful hours.

Below are other things I find blissful in no particular order:

To sit with you in the silence of snow fall
Relish the joyful ache of nostalgia
The excitement in hopeful expectations
Warm sun on cold hands
The memories of smell and spark of stories to be told

That’s all I’ve got. Stay well everyone. I love you.

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