Love in the time of corona

Chapter 5

2020 COVID-19 – March 23

We all have a lot of time on our hands. Which unfortunately for most of us feels like an unbearable eternity of uncertainty.

Try this simple exercise!

Make a list and fill out the name of everyone you personally know and care about having in your life in the next 18 months (obviously as a minimum, let’s not get dark here)

People I love

Age 80+:
Age 60-70+:
Cancer (in treatment):
Heart disease:
High blood pressure:
Kidney disease:
Lung disease (Including smoking, vaping):
Auto immune deficiencies:

This list is by no means exhaustive and outlines (only some) of the currently known higher risk groups.
Now put that list somewhere visible. Think of it as your baseline of why you personally can do this. Why we can ALL do whatever it takes. We live with the most advanced communication technologies ever. Many of us are being tasked to spend time with the people we are supposed to love the most. The economy will rebound. It always does.

Now, for some pandemic fun…

Make another list** of anyone you know and love who might, in the next 12 to 18 months potentially:
Have a stroke:
Heart attack:
Car accident:
Sporting accident (break a leg, arm, head injury):
might need any type of intensive hospitalization:
**this is the worst case scenario if this gets out of control and we suddenly have a splintered, broken, over burdened health care system

If you have nobody to add and can’t think of anyone to list in ANY of those categories I suggest you sit down and really rethink how socially complete your life is.

Rating: 1-100 socially distant high-fives and tally up your score. The rating system doesn’t really matter it’s the fact that you have a list at all.

You are human because you have people to love.

The rest of you carry on, but not before you re-evaluate your life.

One thought on “Love in the time of corona

  1. Love every chapter , looking forward to more, how come there is as yet a dance ???
    Perhaps we could call it Corona rock& Rollaway

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