COVIDeo killed the radio star

Chapter 3

2020 COVID-19 – March 18
We are taking a break from consuming news as a direct food source for my anxiety and are instead making cookies. To consume as a direct food source for my anxiety.

Averie, the four year old, is licking every utensil being used.
Note to future visitors: don’t eat these cookies.
Note to future self: don’t eat these cookies.

Cookie batter pictured with small, recently licked hand.

I’m hopped up on coffee and she’s hopped up on Peppa Pig.

If you’ve never had to watch the same episode(s) of Peppa Pig over and over consider yourself lucky. In fact if you were to delete your Netflix account, take your TV outside, wait for it to rain and then break it in half before bringing the destroyed carcass back in you’d likely be more entertained. That show is drawn in an animation style that once you see the joke it’s difficult to unsee.

Basically Peppa and her entire family are drawn with faces in the shape of peen and balls. Don’t believe me? See for yourself or ask the internet and immediately regret everything after.

I’ve been seeing other peoples Netflix binge recommendations and living vicariously through them, because our child will almost only watch poorly drawn animated pigs and little else. And by the time the children are both sleeping the thought of watching TV or staying awake for a millisecond longer is about as appealing as eating chalk. Our tiny humans are exhausting us. But we do love them (most of the time)

To make matters worse we haven’t been outside as much since the world has set itself to plague mode and it is cold and damp out. The streets in our area are fairly empty apart from people getting fresh air and shopping for basics from places that remain open. Walking down the street and trying to keep social distance is a bit more challenging in a city overall. There are just too many if us jammed into pockets made for less, it is little wonder our edges fray so easily at the best of times.

But when we are out for a walk I’m totally prepared to flail arms around like a windmill to make sure we have space. Intermittent howling has also not been ruled out yet either. So we should be ok.

We will just keep watching Peppa Penis Pig and dream of times before everything else on the internet became a COVIDeo.

Winter is dragging cold March claws over everything and on a particularly cold day there is magic in finding a quiet warm spot between two buildings, out of the wind where the sun is reflecting off the glass and making it seem warmer than it really is.
I found a spot to do that in and things felt quiet and normal. Whatever normal is anymore. Find your joy I promise it’s still around.

Stay safe, people.
I love you all.

Rating: the cookies weren’t that bad because of excessive chocolate chip use

Pros: nobody died

Cons: the open bag of chocolate chips is now being eaten by the handful

3 thoughts on “COVIDeo killed the radio star

  1. Cooking here too. Late evening I made chocolate peanut butter oatbran. Ted won’t eat it because it looks turd-like. I did, with ice cream. Ok-ish.

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