Science Fear

The lineup is terrifyingly long.Admission costs the omission of logic.Get served sticky sweet candy of internet facts.High-velocity rides run on selective data.No safety harnesses are provided.None.


Here is a handy pocket guide to some of the COVID vaccine ingredients. It’s a little know fact (because it’s not a fact) that all the vaccines contain only four key ingredients.  They are itemized and listed here for easy reference. No need to consult further sources or….actual science. You’re welcome. (And please get vaccinated)

Fuck 2020

2020 managed to sneak maximum drama in during the final few hours. Our 18month old lost his balance on the last step and went full force headfirst into the edge of the door frame. A 2020 sized goose egg appeared almost immediately - as if paying homage to the symmetrically balanced 2’s and 0’s of … Continue reading Fuck 2020


Chapter 8 2020 COVID-19 – April 2 It’s been surreal, disorienting and exhausting to watch all of this progress. What was normal a few weeks ago is gone, slow and sticky like tar, somehow the unthinkable things are becoming commonplace. Daily routines are slipping back into place in the confines we are given.Surely in a … Continue reading TIME.